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Partnership with Green Amendment for the Generations

The Global Pact Coalition is thrilled to announce our new partnership with Green Amendment for the Generations.

This organization is pursuing the goal of enshrining the right to a healthy environment in the U.S. Constitution. They have been at the forefront of major recent developments such as the inclusion of an amendment in the New York State Constitution that recognizes the “right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.”

We are delighted to begin this partnership with Green Amendment for the Generations, especially as our efforts turn to New York and the United Nations General Assembly, where a resolution will soon be debated to recognize the universal right to live in a healthy environment, following the Human Rights Council resolution.

You will find below a joint statement drafted to celebrate this partnership.

Global Pact Coalition

Green Amendments for the Generations

Joint Statement

The U.S. team of the Global Pact Coalition and Green Amendment for the Generations are thrilled to announce that they will now work together towards securing the right to a healthy environment in the United States.

The goal of Green Amendments For The Generations is to advance a Green Amendment movement that sweeps the nation and secures for all people constitutional recognition and protection of their inalienable rights to pure water, clean air, a stable climate and healthy environments. Communities are suffering as a result of environmental degradation, with increasing harm caused by a human-induced climate crisis, including floods, droughts, disease, impacts to food, changing weather dynamics and more. Reliance on legislation to protect the environment has not been enough, as our laws are designed to accommodate pollution rather than prevent it. Securing the passage of enforceable environmental rights amendments in the Bill of Rights section of every constitution – state and federal – provides a powerful solution for the people here today and generations to come.

The goal of the Global Pact Coalition is to mobilize support towards the adoption of a Global Pact for the Environment, an international treaty that would recognize the right to a healthy environment for all and secure our environmental rights and duties. This draft international text aims to enshrine a new generation of fundamental rights related to the protection of the environment, and in particular, the right to a healthy environment. While the Global Pact Coalition works at the international level, the U.S. team of the Global Pact focuses on American citizens and residents’ environmental rights and aims to receive support from American citizens/residents, hoping that the federal government will support the adoption of the Global Pact for the Environment.

Civil society must come together to demand that States recognize and protect the rights to a healthy environment in the Bill of Rights section of the Constitution. Green Amendments For The Generations and the U.S. team of the Global Pact will therefore join their forces and work together to mobilize support and inspire the recognition of your right to a healthy environment at the federal level.


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